200 Hour Teacher Training
Hatha (with optional Yin add-on)
We offer a comprehensive 200 hour, Yoga Alliance accredited program to help you deepen your understanding of the yoga tradition, expand your personal yoga practice, and discover your full potential as a yoga teacher.
Drawing from ancient yoga theory and modern knowledge of the body and mind, we will cover the whole of yoga practice: yamas and niyamas (lifestyle guidelines), asana (postures), pranayama (breath training), pratyahara (sense withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (self-realization).
The school meets the rigorous standards and guidelines of the National Yoga Alliance, allowing graduates to register nationally as 200-hour yoga teachers at the completion of the program (RYT 200). Further, our program embodies the tenets of the Himalayan tradition and exceptional standards of our affiliate sponsor, the Himalayan Institute.
Additionally, our 200 Hour Teacher Training program incorporates a companion, optional Yin component at a significant discount to Synergy graduates. This offering provides our graduates with the added distinction of training in Yin Yoga.
(The Yin segment is also available to registered RYTs as a 30 hour continuing education certification. Details here.)
2019-2020 YTT-200 Hour dates:
August 2, 3, 4
September 6, 7, 8
October 4, 5, 6
November 1, 2, 3
December 6, 7, 8
January 3, 4, 5
February 1, 2
March 6, 7, 8
April 3, 4, 5
May 2 (Final Exam - subject to rescheduling)
Note: Select Fridays of the TT Weekend are practice teaching sessions from 6pm-8pm. Saturdays begin with the 10:15am asana and conclude by 5:30 pm. Sundays begin at 9:30am and conclude with the 4:00pm Community Class. Dates listed here include Friday night practice teaching sessions.
$3,300 full tuition (does not include Yin add-on)
Course books purchased through studio at an additional cost of $150. Monthly payment plan available, not to exceed 12 months. Teacher Training students are eligible for free, unlimited yoga during their training. For more information about the program, contact us.
Contact Synergy Yoga Studio through our website 'CONTACT US' email form under the HOME tab. You may also download an application here.
Enrollment is limited and an applicant's selection is by permission only, so please contact us as soon as possible to hold your spot, for prices, or for more information.
Interested in deepening your study, but not interested in a full-fledged certification program? We offer an IMMERSIVE STUDY OPTION for a lesser cost. More information HERE.